If you haven’t heard the news yet, I sold my trilogy of historical novels set in Viking Age Norway to Harper Collins for publication in the US and Canada (as well as publishers in 5 other countries and counting). Yay!
The first book, THE HALF-DROWNED KING, will be out in Summer 2017. I am working on getting a sign up form up and running so you can sign up to be alerted when the book goes on sale and get other news from me.
So I’m dusting off this blog and my other social media enterprises, and will be making posts here far more frequently. I’m aiming for once a week to start with, coming out on Mondays, and then probably going to twice a week. Gotta start small.
And the most important thing for me to be writing right now is the sequels to THE HALF-DROWNED KING, which will be coming out in subsequent summers.
I’ve also been reading a lot of fiction that has literal gods as characters, and I plan to write a bit about that soon. In the meantime, if that kind of thing interests you, I highly recommend City of Stairs by Robert Jackson Bennet, and the Lucifer comics by Mike Carey, which, in eleven volumes, form one of my favorite works of literature, so much that I’m a little intimidated to write about them.
I’ve been watching iZombie, Rob Thomas’s current show, and it is wonderful for genre fans.
I’ll probably also write here about knitting and cooking and travel and lifting really heavy things and moving them around, because those activities make up a large part of my life.
Today I am getting my author photo taken by Nina Subin, which I am both nervous and excited about. I don’t think I photograph very well, unless I am extremely happy from having accomplished something difficult, which is why I tend to like pictures of myself from Strongman competitions–see below.

Posed, however? We shall see. We have a long session planned, and she told me to bring several different changes of clothes so we can see what works best. I’m getting my hair and makeup done there.
And I’ll think about how extremely happy I am about getting to start this new part of my life, and then maybe I will get a good picture.
Congratulations! I have followed you for quite a few years on livejournal (both of us under different names; me: Natasha Solten) until you stopped blogging there. So I know quite a bit about you getting this (at the time untitled) trilogy off the ground in its many phases. This is quite incredible and I will want to sign up for your updates when you get that ready. I always had a good feeling for you about this trilogy but I could never find updates anywhere that you were still working on it.
Anyway, I love the title. I’m hoping to stay connected.
Thank you so much, and great to hear from you again! I am looking forward to being connected again (and maybe getting back to DW and LJ a little bit, but we’ll see.)